Our Mission

The North American Kilowatt Club promotes technical excellence, fellowship and international good will through amateur radio, as well as respect for the heritage, cultures and natural resources of North America.


Why the "Kilowatt" Club

1Everybody “needs another one kilowatt”.
2A well designed amateur radio station sounds like it’s putting out a kilowatt even if it isn’t.
3A good ham is one who deserves the privilege of running a kilowatt.
4We believe in only using a kilowatt of power when it’s necessary.
5Our members always transmit at a power level equivalent to some percentage of a kilowatt.
6The call sign is really cool.
7Operating with a kilowatt of power is not only a privilege but a responsibility.
8An accomplished amateur can operate QRP with a kilowatt of intelligence.
9One kilowatt of energy at microwave frequencies is the minimum power required to cook a chicken (just ask the President).
10The “.5” is silent.


Upcoming Events

All dates/times in UTC

5 Jun 1700

5 Jun 1900

Norwich Free Academy
High-Altitude Balloon Launch


Message From the President


Our Officers

PresidentKevin HarkinsKA6PDG
NA1KW Trustee
Chuck DoolittleN1SPX
SecretaryAmber DoolittleKD0BQR


Email us about membership!

Phone: 701-450-2211

Email: info@na1kw.com